Learning the basics...
Copyright �2013 FENTAZ MAGORIA. All rights reserved.
FBI is not just a police agency. It is more than that. It is a security service.
There are important differences between police agencies and security services.
government has a security service. The mission of a security service is to
suppress anti-government activity. That's because the prime directive of a
government is to stay in power. This means that most governments see their own
population as the most serious threat.
where the security service comes in. This means suppressing dissent and
criticism. It means preserving the status quo. It means keeping the government
in power, no matter whether the government rules with the consent of the people
or without the consent of the people.
around you. It is a self-evident truth that the nastier the government, the
nastier its security service. Referring to a security service as The Thought
Police is not too far from the truth.
FBI understandably does not have a history of respect for civil rights in its
capacity as a security service. The FBI's record of unconstitutional and illegal
actions against American citizens is readily available to anyone who takes the
trouble to investigate.
But don't overlook the
bigger picture. The FBI is not out of control. On the contrary, it is very much
in control. The FBI is acting with the knowledge – and approval – of
the government. The FBI is, after all, the government's security service. The
FBI is responsible for protecting the government from the people.
people, alas, have no such protection from the government.
What's really happening here...
goal of this Web site – and the purpose of Spy & CounterSpy –
is to level the playing field. Our mission is to provide knowledge and skills to
people who support freedom and fairness. Our goal is to empower people. What
does this mean? In theory, it means showing people how to protect themselves
against government tyranny. In practice, it means teaching people
countersurveillance skills.
Who needs
countersurveillance skills? Anyone who is concerned about freedom and
fundamental fairness. This means activists, dissidents, civil rights groups,
militias, patriots, journalists, religious groups, grass-roots political
movements, writers, minority groups, and others.
skills give you the ability to reach your goals – political or otherwise –
in spite of surveillance and interference by a security service like the FBI.
you don't have countersurveillance skills, you are not going to reach your
goals. The security service is going to make sure of that. In fact, you probably
won't even realize that your plans have been secretly and systematically
It's time to wake up.
The goal of this blog is to level
the playing field by providing skills to supporters of freedom and fairness.
Wake-up call...
you're involved in any group that challenges the status quo, the security
service is going to take an interest in you. No matter how benign your goals,
you are seen as a potential threat to the government. Ipso facto, you become a
target for surveillance by The Thought Police.
innocent is no protection against surveillance.
Lesson #1 – Any group that engages in discussion or actions that
challenge the status quo must have a countersurveillance section. That means any
group. That means you. It is not a matter of choice. It is not a matter of
opinion. It is not a matter of preference. Here's why.
adversary is going to engage in covert actions against you. For your group to
survive and reach its goals, you must defend yourself against these covert
actions. It does not matter that you don't see the government as your adversary.
In fact, it's irrelevant. All that matters is that the government sees you as
their adversary.
If you don't grasp this
fundamental principle, then your group is doomed to mediocrity. It will never
reach its goals, no matter how noble. It's like trying to play professional
hockey without learning how to avoid a body-check against the boards. Wake up,
sissy. Just because you'd never dream of intentionally assaulting your opponent
doesn't mean that he isn't planning to deliberately cripple you at his first
It is important that you
understand what this means. A security service – and this includes the FBI –
plays according to Big Boys' Rules. This means they play for keeps and
they play to win. They offer no mercy because they expect none.
of growing up is the realization that the world is infested with unpleasant
personality types like thugs, bullies, and sociopaths. A sizable percentage of
these types end up working for – you guessed it – security services.
part of growing up is accepting that you just can't reason with some people.
Any group that engages in discussion or
action that threatens the status quo should consider forming a countersurveillance
How surveillance works...
people don't realize that a security service will use surveillance in four
different ways – for four different purposes. These are observation,
infiltration, sabotage, and intimidation. All of these threats can be lethal to
you and your organization.
threat #1 – Observation. A security service uses surveillance to
watch you. They find out what you're doing. They discover who your contacts,
members, operatives, associates, and friends are. They learn your plans. They
use your conversations as evidence when they arrest you on charges of
conspiracy. Most people don't realize that conspiracy is the most common
grounds for arrest when surveillance is involved. Yes, just talking
about some topics can get you arrested. What about free speech? Not when The
Thought Police are around.
threat #2 – Infiltration. A security service uses surveillance to
learn enough about you so they can infiltrate agents into your group.
Infiltration is dangerous for two reasons. First, an infiltrated agent can act
as an informant, alerting the security service to your plans and
providing evidence that can be used later for arrest, coercion, or blackmail.
Second, an infiltrated agent can act as an agent-provocateur. This is
someone who pretends to enthusiastically support your cause, while in reality
encouraging you to commit illegal or reckless acts that become grounds for
arrest by the security service. Many groups have been tricked into illegal
behavior that they otherwise would have never considered. Do not underestimate
the damage that an agent-provocateur can do. It is a wicked game. That's
why the FBI plays it.
Surveillance threat
#3 – Sabotage. A security service uses surveillance to learn
everything about you, your group, its goals, and its plans. They can use this
information to secretly sabotage your operations. Things just seem to go wrong
at the worst moment, yet you can never really pin down what the problem is.
effective security service has a range of sabotage capabilities, ranging from
dirty tricks to death squads.
American citizens are beginning to speculate that the FBI may operate death
squads. They claim it is easy for an organization that operates in secret to
arrange situations where murder can be camouflaged as misadventure, accident,
illness, criminal activity, chance events, or suicide. How better to disable a
persistent grass-roots movement than by arranging the demise of its leader via a
traffic accident, mugging, or suicide?
threat #4 – Intimidation. A security service can use surveillance
to control you. It's a form of mind control. The FBI is currently enjoying
success with this tactic against a number of militia and patriot groups. That's
because fear is a powerful tool. If you know you're under surveillance, you're
afraid to do anything. The FBI has developed this mind-game to a sophisticated
level. After they've let you see their surveillance team, they merely need to
make an appearance once a month or so. You're so terrified that you assume
you're under surveillance 24-hours a day. The FBI has won. You are paralyzed by
fear. For some targets of surveillance, all that's required is an appearance
twice a year by the FBI to keep you immobilized. Of course, none of these
mind-games work if you've got countersurveillance skills and can spot the gaps
in surveillance.
How countersurveillance works...
people don't realize what countersurveillance can achieve for them. First, it
gives you the ability to detect the presence of a surveillance team. This means
you can immediately stop engaging in any behavior that might incriminate you.
But, even more important, countersurveillance skills can give you the ability to
cloak your actions. You can carry out operations without the knowledge of the
surveillance team. This means your group can reach its goals even while under
hostile surveillance.
advantage #1 – Detecting your adversary. If you can detect the
presence of the surveillance team, you can avoid arrest by immediately stopping
any activity that might incriminate you. Being able to detect surveillance gives
you a margin of safety that you otherwise wouldn't have.
advantage #2 – Thwarting your adversary. Knowing that you're
under surveillance means you can begin to thwart your adversary's attempts to
gather information about you. For example, realizing that your vehicle is bugged
means that you'll stop engaging in incriminating conversation in your car. Or,
even better, you can engage in contrived conversations and feed misinformation
to the surveillance team. Being able to detect surveillance gives you the
opportunity to confuse and confound the security service.
advantage #3 – Achieving your goals. Detecting surveillance and
thwarting the surveillance team are noteworthy achievements. They enable you and
your group to survive. But they're strictly defensive. You'll never achieve your
goals until you go on the offensive. And that's the most powerful benefit that
countersurveillance can give you – the ability to keep doing what you want
to, even though you're under surveillance.
the world, a number of intelligence agencies and guerrilla groups have proven
that you can carry out operations while you're under hostile surveillance –
and the security service will be none the wiser.
intelligence agencies and guerrilla groups have developed a system for surviving
– and thriving – while under surveillance. A number of
underground groups are already using this system to conduct operations in the
United States.
Here's why it works.
A security service can only achieve its objectives by intercepting
communication between people. This means you can beat the security service if
you can deny them the ability to watch, read, overhear, or participate in your
communication with other people. In effect, you can beat the security service by
using stealth. You can do this in two ways.
method #1 – If you are skilled in countersurveillance, you can exploit
the gaps that are present in surveillance operations. This means you engage in
operational activity only when the surveillance team isn't monitoring you. Even
round-the-clock surveillance has gaps in it. If you're under sporadic FBI
surveillance designed to intimidate you by keeping you frightened, you'll enjoy
huge gaps that you can exploit.
method #2 – If you are skilled in elliptical conversation, you can
carry on communications even though you're under surveillance. Elliptical
conversation is dialog that says one thing but means another. Quite often two
people who've known each other for a long time have built up a kind of shorthand
conversation. By referring to past shared incidents that the surveillance team
is unaware of, the two individuals can send hidden meanings to one another. They
can also use code-words to disguise the real meaning of their communication.
Where do you go from here?
you are involved in a group or enterprise that is attempting to change the
status quo, you must accept that countersurveillance needs to be a part of your
planning and operations. The keys to success are twofold – knowledge and
skills. First, you need knowledge of your adversary's capabilities. Second, you
need skills in the art of countersurveillance. You can get both by reading Spy
& CounterSpy. In fact, that's the only way you can get them.